Useful links

London Friends of Green Spaces Network

A forum for Friends of parks and green spaces in London.  It is affiliated to the National Federation of Parks and Green Spaces.  Barnet Green Spaces Network is affiliated to this. 

Lots of information on the website on how to set-up and run a group and manage your space.  Runs subcommittees on issues of concern to members.

National Federation of Parks and Green Spaces

The National Federation of Parks and Green Spaces (NFPGS) is the umbrella organisation that aims to amplify the voices of Friends Groups across the UK.

Barnet Tree Policy

A new policy for 2023-2028.  Data on air quality, canopy cover and more, useful for some funding applications.

London Gardens Trust/London Parks & Gardens

London Parks & Gardens is the County Gardens Trust for Greater London, affiliated to The Gardens Trust.  The Gardens Trust is a statutory consultee, which means that local authorities are legally obliged to consult with it before deciding on applications and policies which affect historic parks and gardens.  Local authorities must consider their response as part of their decision process.  They also work with other campaigns to protect green spaces from development or privatisation. 

They run the Open Gardens weekend.

The site has an inventory of sites, which you can search by borough, produce publications and run talks. 

Parks for London

A strategic voice and champion for London’s green space sector.  Working with, and supporting, London’s landowners and managers to share and develop good practice, improve standards and maximise resources.


Formerly The Campaign to Protect Rural England.  Works to protect the countryside and has a London office at


The GLA has a green spaces hub with information on what the GLA is doing with regard to parks and open spaces.

Fields in Trust

Fields in Trust aims to protect parks and green spaces by championing and supporting them.

London Green Belt Council

Includes local authority areas around London as well as London authorities with green belt land.

The Conservation Volunteers (TCV)

Free to join.  Provides courses and other support for volunteers.  A way of finding projects to get involved with.

Runs the Chestnut Fund, a small grants fund and Green Gyms.